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  The Independence Hall Chapter, NSDAR, was organized when a group of DAR members met to organize a new chapter in Philadelphia.

On January 3, 1899, the request to organize was made to the national headquarters. On December 13, 1899, a formal presentation of the charter was made in the old Supreme Courtroom at Independence Hall, for which the chapter is named. The ceremonies were followed by a luncheon. The tradition continues today as we are privileged to hold our annual meeting at Independence Hall. 

The chapter's first regent was Harriet Baird Huey, and there were 18 other charter members:

Louise Holman Haynes

Mary Belle Fleming Leiper

Mary Louise Franklin

Eleanor Wigton Hoch

Sarah Charley

Ruth Webster Lathrop, A.B., M.D.

Fanny Comstock Lathrop

Mary Bailey Wigton

Charlotte Colladay Hensel

Mary L. Stetson

Marianna Cadwalladar Franklin

Florence Fleming McKinney

Elizabeth Morris Leete

Mariana Wills Franklin

Lydia Yardley Warner

Ida May Search Cliff

Mary Catherine Griffith

Amelia S. Quinton

Click here to read about the chapter's founding in American Monthly Magazine, the DAR's official journal in June 1900!  

This is the original Independence Hall charter dated January 3, 1899, and signed by the charter members.

Blurred Charter image.jpeg

From the Philadelphia Inquirer

December 14, 1899.


The grave of Harriet Huey, in the Laurel Hill Cemetery. Harriet was the first regent of the Independence Hall Chapter, NSDAR.


Founding members of the Independence Hall Chapter, NSDAR.

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